16 December 2022
Happy Holidays! I am planning to do an update to the brush downloads page in 2023 to include previews. This has been on my to-do list for a while.
I also would like to take a moment to thank Michelle, Mrs. Coleman, and the TechEdLab for reaching out to me recently! It brightened my day.
Michelle had an excellent resource to share for those interested in learning color theory! (It also has links to other interesting resources too!)
4 March 2021
A new tutorial is available.
19 Oct 2019
The terms of service have been updated. They are largely the same, but please review them and the FAQ section.
Many thanks to Marc Whipple for his invaluable assistance (and endless patience) in drafting this for me.
... Previous Updates

30 Brushes - Photoshop
[2.98MB] .abr [Download]
Image Pack
Before using brushes & image packs, please check the Material Terms of Use.